How Is My Solar Loan Structured To Ensure Peace Of Mind And Confidence In My Decision?
At ION Solar, we understand that financing your solar energy system is a significant decision, and we're committed to providing you with a loan structure that caters to your unique needs. Our loan providers take into consideration the federal tax credit when designing your loan, ensuring that you can capitalize on the savings offered by solar energy.
Within the first 16-18 months after your solar installation, you'll have the opportunity to apply your federal tax credit to your loan balance. By doing so, you can either lower your monthly payments or maintain the same rate throughout the life of your loan. This flexible repayment option allows you to experience the full benefits of solar energy, without worrying about sudden payment increases.
Our goal is to support you throughout your solar journey, giving you confidence in your decision to choose us as your solar energy provider. With ION Solar, you can trust that you've made a wise and environmentally-friendly choice for your home and your future.