Ion Earth: Powering People... Like the Listers!
It's the time of year to give back, to lend a helping hand to those around us, or even to look forward with a thankful heart. At ION Earth, we recently had the chance to meet and work with a very special couple worthy of the spirit of gratitude and giving.
Meet the Listers!
Katherine and Dooley Lister are residents of Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Katherine, who is 72, works at a nearby retirement home where she cleans, helps residents through their daily routines, and spends the entirety of her day assisting others. She works three days a week, using the other to rest and recuperate from the grind of her schedule. Katherine loves her work, loves the residents, and sees another potential four or five yeas that she'd like to continue to assist others in need of her support.
Enter ION Earth
Robert Abeyta, an employee of ION Solar, saw in the Lister's the spirit of hard work and gratitude, as well as a chance to give back to some deserving members of the community. Working with ION Earth, the charitable division of ION Solar, he also saw the chance to make a sizable financial boost to the Listers through the contribution of a 7-panel, 2.66 kW photovoltaic solar energy system. This solar panel system, donated and installed by ION Earth, will cut the cost of the Lister's monthly utility bill, as well as their reliance on fossil fuel based energy.
Members of ION Earth arrived at the Lister's house early to help clean the yard and surrounding area, enjoy some snacks and laughter, and spend the day working hard to set up the new solar panel system. Abeyta and his family generously provided food for all in attendance, while the Lister's looked on as their new renewable energy source was put in place.
"I gotta pinch myself," said Katherine, reflecting on the day. "I'm never gonna have to pay a utility bill again. I've been paying all my life."
Interested in Going Solar?
The professional staff at ION Solar understand the huge impact that solar energy can make for homeowners across the United States. More than just lowered utility bills, a switch to solar means energy self reliance, a renewable source of clean energy, and the freedom from reliance on traditional fossil fuels. Interested in going solar? Reach out to our team of professionals today, and find out how ION Solar powers people.