Renewable Energy Power World
Renewable Energy Power World
Renewable energy is the fastest growing energy source globally. According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, renewables made up more than 17 percent of net U.S. electricity generation in 2018. Solar generation is projected to climb from 11 percent of total U.S. renewable generation in 2017 to 48 percent by 2050, making it the fastest-growing electricity source. Globally, renewables made up 24 percent of electricity generation in 2016. Renewable energy is taking the lead around the world and there is so much room for improvement! Here is some renewable energy news and products from around the world:
100+ Cities Get Most of Their Energy From Renewables
Traditional energy sources contribute to CO2 and other harmful emissions. It is up to us to switch to renewable energy sources, which are cleaner and better for the environment. Data reveals that 100 cities worldwide are sourcing the majority (at least 70%) of their electricity from renewables. In total, 184 cities now have solar energy. Clean energy is not limited to a few corners of the globe, but is a global phenomenon with incredible potential.
Zero Mass Drinkable Water Hydropanel
A company called Zero Mass designed the first ever hydropanel that requires no power and no infrastructure. The panel uses advanced water capture technology in order to replace more than a twelve-pack and up to a twenty-pack of bottled water on a sunny day. This technology has been installed in 36 countries so far and even reaches some of the world’s most arid regions.
Tree Planting Search Engine
Ecosia was launched in 2009 and donates 80% of its advertising profits to tree-planting. It published financial reports so the world can keep track of how and what it is doing. So far 82.5 million trees across 17 countries have been planted. This environmental action is exactly what we need to make our world cleaner and safer.
United States Recycling Rates
The United States has not always had the greenest reputation when it comes to recycling. However, the US has climbed its way into the top 20 recycling nations. There are many initiatives to help teach kids while they are young and many state and local governments are turning towards the recycling movement. The emissions cut by US paper recycling alone was the equivalent of 31 million cars.
Iceland’s Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
One of the problems we are facing in our fight against climate change is our abundant CO2 emissions. Iceland has implemented a process called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) that transforms CO2 from a greenhouse gas into a harmless mineral. This method is fast, cheap and permanent. This will help eliminate the CO2 emissions and transform them into useful minerals.
UK’s Emissions are Falling
The UK has been decarbonizing faster than any other high-income country. They are reducing their dependence on coal while investing massively in wind power. Homes and factories are using less electricity and businesses are cutting fuel consumption. Without all of these important changes, UK emissions would be double what they are!
100 Countries Have Banned Plastic Bags
Many countries have banned plastic bag usage all together to reduce waste. Other countries have implemented taxes and partial bans in order to slowly move towards reusable bags. With more countries following in their footsteps, we can hopefully turn completely away from plastic bags in the near future.
Chinese Device Harnesses Electricity From Raindrops
New research is showing that water hitting a surface can generate tiny amounts of electricity. Scientists at City University of Hong Kong have expanded that finding and created a usable and renewable power source. It could be used on all types of surfaces that may come into contact with water. This is another ingenious way to harness natural energy.
Germany’s Push Against Coal
We are all doing our part to fight climate change. Germany is in the midst of an energy revolution. They are fighting against the climate crisis by aiming for 65% renewable power by 2030. They have already hit their 50% mark. They are well on their way to a sustainable and renewable energy powered country!
Fossil Fuels are Losing Investors
Investors are committing to ‘de-investment.’ Their decision is not just based on ethical reasons, but coal, oil and gas stocks are now seen as risky in the long term. Ireland was the first nation to take the plunge. New York and London are shoulder to shoulder on the transition. This lack of investment is speeding the transition to renewable energy.
Clearly there are many initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and create a cleaner world. There are incredible products, inventions and happy circumstances surrounding the renewable energy world.
If you’d like to join this effort to fight climate change, visit us at our website for a free quote!